The last vestiges of my memory bank are being cleansed and put out to dry in ballpoint pen ink (rather in pixels, whatever) on my online journal: “PEBBLES ON THE BEACH”.
I feel as though an awesome avalanche of unforgiving remembrances is falling off my mind’s psyche and it looks like I am getting all set to spread my wings and fly away; free at last from the shackles of writing about the internal recriminations and those well-beloved glories and trounces that have once been an inseparable part of my professional life at Satyam.
Believe me, I have had not so an easy time writing these chapter-wise presentations of stories relying solely on my share of much-loved memories/recollections, treasured as they ever were. It’s been, to my pleasant surprise, an arduous task dealing with the details of an extraordinary era that had gone a long time ago. Despite everything, however, I still cherish that bygone era so much… and perhaps that’s why it gave me the required wherewithal to recount a generous tale about my days in Satyam that will most likely see... 49+ stories in all. Maybe 50 at the last count. Okay, 50 stories!
Nothing but the Memories
Writing each one of the stories that you’ll find in the chapter-wise presentation of LOST DAYS OF GLORY has for me been no less than an ambition: an aspiration that for 2 long years since July 2013 has provided me a chance to relive an unforgettable era that was etched deeply in my mind’s psyche.
I wrote the story as though I have been ‘possessed’ (to use the term mildly) by my past; no, not really. But there was no shying away from the (fictional) memoir when I knew I have my blog that could be just the right medium for the task of writing (grunting or ranting or whatever) it down and be able to share the best parts and the worst parts of my professional life in Satyam with the world. I admit, reading these chapters will sometimes make you feel a little tedious but they have not been written with the intention to advertise/ publicize some kind of unreadable tosh/guff material for the readers of my blog. Each chapter has been composed solely with the intention to share my memories, proffer a deep sense of nostalgia for the readers, and feel happy. That is all there is to it.
Some folks who I had been professionally associated with working at Satyam may not entirely concur with me on the story in LOST DAYS OF GLORY, but of course, they are entitled to their own opinion about our wonderful Satyam years. I think it doesn’t matter whether or not opinions about it truly count here but I am sure we’d mutually agree on the fact that we’d lived a wonderful life working there. Nostalgia counts, and so there’s a deep sense of Nostalgia that pervades throughout the long memoir. That is what matters, ultimately.
Without sounding oversensitive, I’d say LOST DAYS OF GLORY has given me an outlet to pour all out and in the bargain feel lighter at heart. I think I have been successful in that endeavour. I feel that there’d been too many emotions involved here and I wanted to find a way to make something out of them and feel happy in the process of sharing them with the readers of my blog Pebbles on the Beach. So I chose to write about my days in Satyam. I sincerely hope my ranting (if any) is excused because it was just a part of the whole package – as in blogging material – of writing this story in the first place.
The Sense of an Ending
In the beginning, I thought some 10 longish chapters would be sufficient to tell what I needed to tell. However, as I went on with the task of writing them down I realized that I had become a little nostalgic and had plenty of stories to write; 10 would barely scratch the surface, and each one of them had been written with lots of love and care that it is still leaving me smarting with the desire to write more. But then, I know one has to stop being too personal about one’s beloved memories and keep on hammering pointlessly; so I pulled over my train of thoughts at 49 glorious chapters and would go no further. This is it. This is where I want to end this seemingly emotional journey that I started two years ago in the year 2013.
Like all good things must come to an end, this too shall come to its logical conclusion. Well, logical or not I am not entirely sure, but certainly, there’s a sense of an ending.
Reliving that exalted company of lost friends and acquaintances and experiences that taught us lovely things in the pixilated pages of my blog has been totally worth my time and energy. Admittedly, it was inordinately necessary for me to feel lighter at heart by embarking on this writing journey of over 2 years.
The fictional memoir of my wonderful days spent at Satyam “LOST DAYS OF GLORY” which began 2 years prior in July 2013 is going to be curtains in the year 2015! God bless us all.
(Do I hear a huge collective murmur of relief?! Let it go, folks, let it go).
By Arindam Moulick
(My fictional memoir “Lost Days of Glory,” including this Epilogue was written between May 2013 and December 2015).
- This article has also been published on the website under the heading "Epilogue: Lost Days of Glory." Click here to read the article:
- This article has also been published on the website under the heading "Epilogue: Lost Days of Glory." Click here to read the article:
Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. All incidences, places, and characters portrayed in the story are fictional and entirely imaginary. Any resemblance to any person living or dead is purely coincidental. No similarity to any person either living or dead is intended or should be inferred.