Monday, September 21, 2015

Collected Status Messages - 6

Here is a selection of the status messages I posted on social media websites between the months of August and September 2015:

1. Thank God it’s Friday! And I am so freaking happy and ready for the weekend! WOOHOOOO!
I have some ticklish BUTTERFLIES in my stomach! GGGIILLLIIIGGEEE!
Let me see: Ummm…what’s it going to be…
I am going to try some seafood this weekend…CRABS, EELS, OYSTERS, and MOLLUSCS!! Hee Hyaaa!
- August 2015

Of books and reading:

2. Last night I was up till late and finished reading the book “A Thousand Country Roads” by Robert James Waller. The book is a heart-touching sequel (an epilogue) to one of my all-time adorable books “The Bridges of Madison County” which I had read a great many years ago: One of my most beloved love stories of all time, and I love the movie too.

I can never forget the passionate characters from the books and their all-too-brief romance: the Iowa housewife Francesca Johnson and independent National Geographic magazine photographer Robert Kincaid and of course the unforgettable Roseman Bridge. 

I wept when I read the book; couldn't hold back my tears even as I felt that those days were coming back to me when I was reading “The Bridges of Madison County” and crying. 

If anyone wants to read these books, please first read the “Bridges” and then go on to “Country Roads” in that order. Read these books and who knows it may change your life. It changed mine.
- August 2015

3. Reading Gulzar’s poems makes you feel serene and calm; you get the opportunity to de-stress reading these little gems.

The book Selected Poems by Gulzar has been one such welcome departure from the roughness of life. 

These poems are deeply evocative of spectacular imagery and similes that make you sit up and think in good measure. 

Some of the best poetry I have read in recent times. A good addition to my personal library.

- August 2015

4. Just finished reading True Detectives by Jonathan Kellerman. Unfortunately, this book doesn't qualify as a classic whodunit because it’s boring. I had great expectations from it but it didn't even come close. 

The sole reason I've picked up this book is that whenever I travelled by train I used to see this title in many railway stations along the Eastern Ghats, especially in Higginbotham's bookstalls and with the magazine sellers with pushcarts.

Crimes are committed, but there’s no build-up of tension or action. All investigative work gets carried out by one freelance detective and his estranged brother who happens to be a policeman. Could have been far far better, but it turned out to be a boring read. Well, this doesn't stop me from reading any other works by the same author; I'll go ahead and read more.
- August 2015

5. Just finished reading Finders Keepers by Stephen King. It’s not possible that when there is a new Stephen King novel and I don’t read it. I am an ardent fan of books written by Stephen King. Finders Keepers has great suspense and according to me, that’s a clincher for any book to get its reading fans.

With this offering, Stephen King has written a crime thriller, not his typical staple horror fiction, which is fine. 

Since I have read Mr. Mercedes and now Finders Keepers, which is a greater work? All things considered, Finders Keepers is hands down. Although the book Mr. Mercedes has its own merits. 

I can hardly wait to have my hands on the last part of the trilogy “End of Watch,” which I believe is going to come out only next year.
- September 2015

By Arindam Moulick

Click here to go to Collected Status Messages 5.

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